So, I've decided to start a blog to give myself, and the people who care about me, a nice easy way to keep track of my singing adventures. I'm sick of sending mass emails, trying to figure out who really wants to hear from me, and getting the occasional email back asking me to remove that person's address from my list (ouch! I didn't think I was
that annoying!). I am doing away with the mass emails for good, unless something really cool and amazing happens, so if you want to continue to hear about how I'm doing, I ask that you subscribe to my blog. There's a convenient little box on the left side where you can enter your email address, and then every time I update, you'll get an email. I promise not to be annoying, not to update too often unless I really have something to say (i.e. I will not write every time I try a new type of sausage in Berlin), and to even be moderately entertaining at times. You can always unsubscribe if my blogging becomes too much to handle.
I may write a couple times from Opera North if I feel like it, but I'm mainly planning on starting for real once I'm in Berlin and have figured out how to order internet auf Deutsch. That is, once I've gotten over the fear of frying my beloved iBook by plugging it into the evil European outlet.
Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for (hopefully) lots of excitement, pictures, Eurotrash production stories, and the occasional sausage variety update.